Cream of the Crop 1
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C/C++ Source or Header
245 lines
Printer BGI driver C interface
Copyright (c) 1991 A. Resztak
/* Header file */
#if !defined(__LARGE__) && !defined(__HUGE__)
#error PRTgraph library will run only in LARGE memory model.
#if !defined(_PRT__pascal)
#define _PRT__pascal
#define PRT_NO_MEMORY 1
#define PRT_IO_ERROR 4
#define PRT_ERROR 5
/* drivers */
#define STAR_SR9 0 /* Epson ????, Star SR */
#define IBM9 1 /* IBM GraphPrinter, ProPrinter */
#define EPSON9 1 /* EPSON,CITIZEN ( graphic mode: Esc,'K'/'L'/'Y'/'Z' ) */
#define EPSON9II 2 /* EPSON,CITIZEN ( graphic mode: Esc,'*',n ) */
#define PANASONIC9 3 /* Panasonic KX-P1124 - not tested */
#define IBM9c 4 /* IBM ProPrinter (color) */
#define EPSON9c 4 /* EPSON (color) (graphic mode: Esc,'K'/'L'/'Y'/'Z') */
#define EPSON9IIc 5 /* EPSON (color) - (graphic mode: Esc,'*',n) */
#define EPSON24 6 /* 24 pins EPSON compatible printer */
#define IBM24 7 /* 24 pins IBM compatible printer */
#define EPSON24c 8 /* 24 pins EPSON compatible color printer */
/* not tested */
#define IBM24c 9 /* 24 pins IBM compatible color printer */
/* not tested */
#define PaintJet 10 /* general Paint Jet */
#define HPPaintJet 11 /* HP Paint Jet */
#define LaserJet 12 /* Laser Jet */
#define HPLJII 13 /* HP Laser Jet */
/* #define HPLJIII 11 */
/* #define POSTSCRIPT 12 */
/* #define ROLANDP 13 */
/* modes for particular drivers */
/* EPSON9 */
#define EPSON9_60x72 0
#define EPSON9_120x72 1
#define EPSON9_120x216 2
#define EPSON9_240x216 3
/* STAR_SR9 */
#define STAR_SR9_60x72 0
#define STAR_SR9_120x72 1
#define STAR_SR9_120x144 2
#define STAR_SR9_240x144 3
/* IBM9 */
#define IBM9_60x72 0
#define IBM9_120x72 1
#define IBM9_120x216 2
#define IBM9_240x216 3
/* EPSON24 */
#define EPSON24_60x180 0
#define EPSON24_120x180 1
#define EPSON24_180x180 2
#define EPSON24_360x180 3
#define EPSON24_360x360 4
/* IBM24 */
#define IBM24_60x180 0
#define IBM24_120x180 1
#define IBM24_180x180 2
#define IBM24_360x180 3
/* PaintJet */
#define PaintJet_90x90 0
#define PaintJet_180x180 1
#define PaintJet_90x90c 2
#define PaintJet_180x180c 3
/* HPPJ */
#define HPPJ_90x90 0
#define HPPJ_180x180 1
#define HPPJ_90x90c 2
#define HPPJ_180x180c 3
/* LaserJet */
#define LaserJet_75x75 0
#define LaserJet_100x100 1
#define LaserJet_150x150 2
#define LaserJet_300x300 3
/* HPLJII */
#define HPLJII_75x75 0
#define HPLJII_100x100 1
#define HPLJII_150x150 2
#define HPLJII_300x300 3
/* F U N C T I O N S P R O T O T Y P E S */
#define PRT__FAR_DATA /* far */
#define PRT__FAR_PTR far
#define PRT__FAR_PROC far
#if !ForPascal
#define PRT__HUGE_PROC huge
#define PRT__HUGE_PROC far
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetDriver ( unsigned drv, unsigned mode,
unsigned width, unsigned height,
unsigned options );
#define PRT_NORMAL 0
#define PRT_ROTATE 1
#define PRT_INVERSE 2
#define PRT_REVERSE 2
// #if ForPascal
typedef int far *PRT__handleT; /* pointer to Pascal File */
// #else
// typedef int PRT__handleT;
// #endif
/* Procedures which may be called before initializing PBGI */
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_Buffer ( void far *address, long size, int usable );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_EMSBuffer ( int EMShandle, long size, int usable );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_XMSBuffer ( int XMShandle, long size, int usable );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetBuffer ( long size, unsigned BufOpt );
#define NotUseEMS 1
#define NotUseXMS 2
// int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_DefineWorld ( unsigned MaxX, unsigned MaxY );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetOutName ( const char PRT__FAR_PTR * DeviceName );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetMargins ( int left, int top );
int pascal PRT__HUGE_PROC PRT_RescaleFillPattern ( int r );
/* 0 = never, 1 = always , -1 = at high densities only */
/* Procedure allocates PRT buffer, initializes PBGI, calls Draw(),
closes PBGI, prints picture, and frees the buffer.
All above is done neccesary number of times to print
entire picture. */
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_PrintBGI (
int far * graphdriver, int far *graphmode,
const char far *pathtodriver,
int ( _PRT__pascal PRT__HUGE_PROC (*Draw)
(void PRT__FAR_PTR * UserPointer) ),
void PRT__FAR_PTR* UserPointer );
/* Various informing procedures */
/* May be allways called */
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_MaxDriver ( void );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_DriverName ( unsigned driverno, char PRT__FAR_PTR * PRT__FAR_PTR * name_ptr );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_MaxMode ( unsigned driverno, int PRT__FAR_PTR *maxmode );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_ModeName ( unsigned driverno, int modeno,
char PRT__FAR_PTR * PRT__FAR_PTR * name_ptr );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_DriverNo ( void );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_ModeNo ( void );
char far * PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_grapherrormsg ( int errorcode );
/* May be called only after PRT_SetDriver */
long PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_BufferNeeded ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
long PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_XMSBufferNeeded ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_Resolution ( int PRT__FAR_PTR *Xres, int PRT__FAR_PTR *Yres );
/* Procedure initializes PBGI, calls Draw(), closes PBGI,
DOES NOT print picture, and DOES NOT allocate or free the buffer */
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_BuildBitMap (
int far * graphdriver, int far *graphmode,
const char far *pathtodriver,
int x1,int y1, int x2,int y2,
int ( _PRT__pascal PRT__HUGE_PROC (*Draw)
(void PRT__FAR_PTR * UserPointer) ),
void PRT__FAR_PTR* UserPointer );
#if ForPascal
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_Send( const char far *s);
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_Send( const char far *s, unsigned slen);
/* Procedures which may be called before freeing the buffer */
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_InitPrt ( PRT__handleT handle );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_EndPrt ( PRT__handleT handle );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_PrintBuffer (PRT__handleT handle);
unsigned PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_getpixel ( int x, int y );
void PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal setfillpattern16 ( char PRT__FAR_PTR * upattern, int color );
void PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal getfillpattern16 ( char PRT__FAR_PTR * upattern );
void PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal setcharsize_Inch (int width, int height);
/* Sets char size in 1/1000 inch but is version dependent.
Might cause link errors in versions other than BC++ 2.0 or 3.0 */
void PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal setcharsize_Pix (int width, int height);
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_AllocateBuffer ( void );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_FreeBuffer (void);
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_installuserdriver ( const char far * name, int huge (*detect)(void) );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_registerfarbgidriver ( void far pascal (*driver)(void) );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_Unregisterfarbgidriver ( void far pascal(*driver)(void) );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetViewSize( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_initgraph( int far * graphdriver, int far *graphmode,
const char far *pathtodriver );
int PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_closegraph(void); /* DOES NOT free the buffer */
typedef int _PRT__pascal ( PRT__HUGE_PROC * pascal PRT_ErrorFuncP) ( PRT__handleT handle );
typedef PRT__handleT _PRT__pascal ( PRT__HUGE_PROC * pascal PRT_OpenFuncP)( const char far* outname );
typedef int _PRT__pascal ( PRT__HUGE_PROC * pascal PRT_CloseFuncP)( PRT__handleT handle );
typedef int _PRT__pascal ( PRT__HUGE_PROC * pascal PRT_WriteFuncP)( PRT__handleT handle, const void PRT__FAR_PTR * b,
unsigned len );
PRT_ErrorFuncP PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetErrorFunc ( int far _PRT__pascal WrErrFunc(PRT__handleT handle) );
PRT_OpenFuncP PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetOpenFunc ( PRT__handleT far _PRT__pascal f(const char far* outname) );
PRT_CloseFuncP PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetCloseFunc ( int far _PRT__pascal f(PRT__handleT handle) );
PRT_WriteFuncP PRT__HUGE_PROC pascal PRT_SetWriteFunc ( int far _PRT__pascal
f(PRT__handleT handle,
const void PRT__FAR_PTR * b,
unsigned len) );
int pascal CloseCallerBGI ( void );
int pascal RestoreCallerBGI ( int far * graphdriver, int far *graphmode,
const char far *pathtodriver );
extern void far pascal BitImage(void); /* link our bit image BGI driver */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PRT__handleT _PRT__pascal __PRT_Open(const char far* outname);
int _PRT__pascal __PRT_Close( PRT__handleT handle );
int _PRT__pascal __PRT_Write( PRT__handleT handle, const void PRT__FAR_PTR * b, unsigned len );
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* end of PRTGRAPH.H */